Two weeks ago, I showed how I sometimes start to put ideas on paper. Also, I promised I’d reveal what this is…
… and you can probably see that it looks like plasticine or play-dough. You might have also noticed that it looks like a fish bone or something.
With today’s missive, I wanted to highlight how you can be creative by fiddling with plasticine or play-dough.
In a post last month, I wrote about Indian elephants. I tried to sketch one from memory and was disappointed by how it looked (you can ignore the giant rabbit and giant mouse).
I searched up “elephant anatomy” and came across some super photos of a small Indian elephant on Jake’s Bones.
I decided to make a copy with the first thing that came to hand.

Elephants fascinate me because they look as if they are walking a high-wire sometimes.
I learnt, from Jake that: elephants walk on tiptoes; elephants leg bones go straight down; elephants walk by lifting fore- and aft-legs on one side off the floor at the same time.
Maybe that’s what captures my attention about how elephants move. Like Winnie-the-Pooh, the bulky abdomen enhances their charm.
In a forthcoming post, I’ll share how we can take this approach into another dimension. Are you excited to expand your creative comfort zone, as easily as putty in your hands? Then, please stay tuned for the next instalment in this series.